  • Ferrofluid


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Original Ferrofluid, made in Japan.

Supplied by Ferrotec®, supplier of ferrofluid to DAIWA® for reels with MagSealed® technology.

With regular use of the reel, dust, micro particles of sand, and salt of sea spray combine with the ferrofluid, causing its deterioration and affecting its viscosity and stability.
In our workshop, we see this daily: this deterioration affects the reel's performance and compromises its integrity.
It is essential to replace the ferrofluid during each general reel maintenance.

The box contains a complete repair kit:

  • 1 mL of Ferrofluid. (Enough for 50 applications).
  • 5 Clean Cotton Swabs.
  • 1 Micro-syringe.
  • 1 Precision Dispenser.

Instructions inside the box (English, Spanish, and French).
